Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Still haven't quit my day job ...

Four months after starting my first blog, the earnings are still trickling in. The income is increasing, but rather slowly! Not enough to quite my day job. Not even enough to cover one day's earnings.

During this time I have looked into all sorts of promotional options. I have subscribed to a variety of webrings. I have tried Digg, De.lio.cious and others. I have visited a lot of blogs that offer free advice on how to earn money from your blog. The give you the opportunity to buy an ebook, or a course, or advertising - all at some cost.

I have joined blogecplosion which, I must admit, does work. But is hasn't worked well enough to provide me with an income. At least not yet.

I know that there are some people that make money from their blogs. But are these all people writing about making money from blogging? Is it a case of continuing to build traffic and slowly increasing earnings?

Please vote in my poll - do you earn money from your blog?

In the meantime I am continuing my business consulting activities. This is something that takes me to all sorts of companies and different places. These organisations provide a great source of material to write about - except for the non-disclosure agreements which mean that I'm not allowed to write about them at all. At least not while consulting to them.

My current contract is in a setting where springbok and zebras roam the grounds. A great environment! The photo was taken from some distance with my cell phone. No telephoto lens. But the scene is set.

1 comment:

ZombieObscurity said...

reciprocal links is what really boost page rank witch boosts traffic. leave comments on pages you like offering a link exchange (trade links)